Blacky's World of Rainbows and Unicorns

Rock Chick Regret (Rock Chick, #7)

Rock Chick Regret - Kristen Ashley “No really,” I whispered, letting the sweet, peaceful feeling steal over me. “It only matters if there’s someone to care if you don’t wake up. It’s okay if I don’t wake up because there’s no one to care.”Poor Sadie :(For me, this is the most emotional RC so far. Such a sad but still beautiful story, I love it like crazy

Untitled (Rock Chick, #8)

Untitled (Rock Chick, #8) - Kristen Ashley I am a very happy person right now.I read my last Rock Chick book.I loved it.I loved the whole series
Vampire Mine (Alpha and Omega, #3) - Aline Hunter "Stay" he instructed,his golden irises vibrant.His face descended,coming closer.His breath caressed her mouth,warm against her skin."Just" he whispered,breezing his lips over hers."Like" he teased hew lower lip with a flick of his tongue."That."Trey

Angel Betrayed

Angel Betrayed - Cynthia Eden Yes you have!This book has such a perfect bad-fallen-angel anti-hero, OMG!He is bad. He doesn't care about it.He doesn't plan to change, it's just the way he is.She wants to kill him. She doesn't care what it'll take to do it.I've been thinking how to write this review and I realise this is gonna be a gushing one, and probably totally idiotic because I just want to say this is BRILLIANT and I completely and totally LOVE this book!One of the BEST PNR books I have ever read! Seriously!THE WRITING STYLEI just have to. Cynthia Eden is such a brilliant writer, I am so glad I started reading her!The writing is intense!There is ALWAYS something happening! Always!And everything is explained so well, we get bits and details along the way that it isn't overwhelming, it's easy to follow the story, and still have huge fun with the action and romance.THE CHARACTERS This is the MAIN reason for my 5 star rating.They are uber-dimensional. They do things that aren't good, sometimes to each other. They have tough decisions to make, and they both have tough personalities.But most of all, the main guy.SAMHe's like the fallen angel mob boss of the demon underworld :DEveryone is afraid of him, with good reason.He ALWAYS has a hidden agenda, he is incredibly smart, and doesn't regret anything he's done.I fell in love with him in the first book, even though he was pretty much a bad guy there, and I just have to say that I absolutely LOVE the author for not changing his personality!Usually when there's a bad boy who gets his book, he turns good, redeeming himself for his sins, blablabla, a lot of suffering and "poor me what have I done" yadda yadda thing.Sam stays in character, because he has such a strong f*cking character!!!!!OMG how I love him!I don't want to say more so I don't spoil anything for you, but seriously, he is at the top of my PNR males.Exactly because he's an anti-hero.The ending was so intense, I was crying and reading like a crazy woman cause I couldn't stop until I saw how it finished and it was AMAZING!So people, I am giving a HUGE recommendation here, HUGE!Because this is so amazing, and my review sucks but I don't know how else to explain it without giving much away :(I have to say though... READ THE FIRST BOOK!!!!!before you get to this one.It is VERY good and Sam has a HUGE part in it that you'll just have to see and understand before this one. All the books from this series are connected and I wouldn't recommend reading out of order.But PLEASE! This is just not to be missed!
Angel of Darkness - Cynthia Eden A fallen angel who swears and kills...A vampire who actually drinks human blood instead of animal like the fashion is these days...This isn't sweet.There is killing here, and the MCs actually do some of it.Not one character here is miserable and suffering their poor misfortune.They all deal with it the best they can.AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!I have to say I really love the writing style of this author, and I'm definitely going to read all her other series.I like it that she doesn't sugar-coat everything, there are no brooding heroes like in some PNR, everyone is tough and they fight for what they want.They get hurt in battles, they suffer sometimes, they have hot sex and fall in love (well this is romance, let's not forget that).There are bad guys in this one who will somehow redeem themselves, and I am dying to see how it happens!Sam Off to the next one :)))

Wicked Cravings (The Phoenix Pack, #2)

Wicked Cravings  (The Phoenix Pack, #2) - Suzanne  Wright This book would have been so much better if it didn't have:1. A heroine that was so similar to the one from the first bookTheir problem is almost the same, just with a slight twist.She talks and behaves like the previous heroine.Still, she was not as awesome as the previous heroine.More like a washed-out copy.So I was not happy with her.2. Such a boring storyHonestly, I was NOT interested in anything that happened here. Well again, to be honest, nothing much happened at all.I started skimming the last third of the book because I just wanted it to END already!!3. Such an idiotic villainDon't know if any of you watch soap operas, especially those from Mexico, but they have some serious idiotic villains. And this one here reminded me of a Mexican telenovela villain, extremely one-dimensional, and with only one thought in their heads, to have one of the MCs. That person will do anything just to break them apart and while reading this, I kinda expected to see them bursting in evil laughing, or talking to themselves making evil plans and looks. At the end when everything was revealed... Oh God I actually wanted to give it one star just because of how it was done. This book would have been so much better if it had more of:1. Hot sexIt's actually the only thing that kept me going and it's the only reason I didn't DNF.This author really, really knows how to write hot sex scenes and this book was worth reading ONLY because of them.If only there were more :DDDDD2. Delicious heroHe was pretty great I have to admit, although i just wished he was MORE. More i don't know what but there it is. Maybe cause I found the whole book boring, the characters were the same to me, but a least i liked this guy. He was yummy. Hmm maybe it's the hot sex that made me like him??Btw I noticed another thing, and I mean really!!! Even in the third book, there will be a problem with the woman's wolf. In all three books the same thing will prevent them for being together???? Well, the same thing, with a little twist.I'm still looking forward to Shaya and Nick, don't get me wrong, I'll definitely read it, I just hope it won't be so similar to the first two.So that's it. Two stars just for the uber-hot sex.
Passion for the Game (Georgian, #2) - Sylvia Day Grrrr I hate writing three star reviews!!!I am too lazy to write a long one because I simply don't have much to say about this.The beginning was great and I loved the constant fighting between them.The sex was pretty hot, especially the first one.But then around the middle I just lost interest and skimmed it to the end. So there, I can't give any more than three stars to a book which I skimmed half of.Btw I don't know what exactly was the problem for me, maybe it was the writing style, because I've read so many historicals that sound much more authentic, while this looked forced with the language, and the MCs sound contemporary American, just somehow set in Regency Britain. Oh well.Maaaaaybe I'll try another one from this series but I don't know.
Bending: Dirty Kinky Stories About Pain, Power, Religion, Unicorns, & More - Greta Christina You know, when you look at a title like this one, you'd think you'd be getting some uber-kinkiness that would leave you like this:Or at least laughing your ass off.Me? I was like this:The writing style did not work for me at all.There is a huge bunch of kinky stories here but not a single one of them got me hot and bothered.And it isn't cause the kink was too much, it was just boring.To me anyway :PThere were some stories that had potential, but they ended before any kinkiness commenced. I was disappointed :(Oh well. Moving on... Rach made me read it

Deadly Heat

Deadly Heat - Cynthia Eden “The fire burns. She kills. She judges the wicked.”I am becoming seriously addicted to this series and author.With such intense stories and awesome writing, how could I not?The storyIt's about a serial killer whose method is killing with fire, and the guy uses a different method every time.Special agent Kenton Lake from the SSD is there to investigate, and in the meantime gets entangled with a female firefighter, Lora Spade.When the killer gets his focus on Kenton, and with that on Lora as well, it will get their lives in danger, along with those of every firefighter, trying to beat the flames.I won't say any more cause it would be spoilerish :PPPPPThe suspenseIf you grab these books, you have to know you'll really, but really get the suspense part.Sometimes it says the book is romantic/erotic suspense, but actually you just get a couple of action scenes and the rest is just sex or drama...Here, the entire book is woven with suspense, there is no reprieve, always something happening, always something that gets you on the edge...Simply amazing :)The killer's POV isn't as creepy as the one in the first book, but it's still twisted enough to work :D"He liked to watch the fire. When it danced, it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Sensual, like a lover."The romanceIntense, like everything else in the book.It was just like that in the first one, and I'm so glad the author is sticking to the same feel throughout it, not getting soppy or mushy where it shouldn't be, and the characters stay consistent with the way they are and should be.Me likey.Kenton... That man is amazing, I love the way he thinks, and the fact that he's so honest about everything, and damn, he is uber-hot!!!Lora is a perfect mach for him. She is full of life, with a temper and she doesn't let anyone boss her around. She risks her life every day and isn't afraid to do it. She does have one fear though, one that the killer will use to his advantage...Still, I kinda wish theirs wasn't an insta-love, but oh well :DOverallI really enjoyed this one, not as intense and creepy as the first, but still amazing :)The romance was great and oh my, very, very hot! But what I liked best here, and I suspect will be with all the books from this series, is the intense suspense part. Not many books have it, and this author does it so brilliantly :) I know I'll go back to her whenever I want to read something that's just MORE than the usual.So all I can do here is give a HUGE recommendation to every suspense reader out there, and to those of you who like intense books.Well honestly, I DON'T like intense books but these are working for me perfectly :DHope you give this series a shot and happy reading :)
Mountain Prey - Lyn Gala This book... The author... The plot... The humor...I'm gonna keep this short...- I absolutely and totally loved this book- The writing is fantastic, and I mean really awesome- The humor, OMG amazing I was laughing like crazy through half the book- The sex was UBER-hot, totally loved it!- The plot! AhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaI had no idea what it was actually about and when it came, ahahhahahaha OMG it was brilliant!!! Absolutely brilliant and I'm not going to say what it was cause it should be a surprise but, BRAVO to the author for that idea ahahhahahahah :DDD- I totally recommend this book to every M/M fan out there, and yeah, this one would be great for beginners cause it's funny but still hot and not overwhelming or too dramatic or I don't know what :)))So go.Read it!
Badcock - Debra Glass “Don’t be so impatient, love,” he said. “Before you leave here, I will have rutted you so raw you won’t be able to walk.”Just look at that title.Need I say more about what drew me to this book?This was so ridiculous, I laughed like crazy at some parts, and some were so kinky that I still laughed at them ahahahhahahhahaSo even though I can't say this is brilliant, I had huge fun with it :D

Saving Grace (Mad World, #2)

Saving Grace (Mad World, #2) - Christine Zolendz Blacky - a young woman in search of the book of her lifeSavingrace - uber-hot and famous book, separated from Blacky for months, a tortured soul disappointed in lifeEvildude - the bad guy, no explanation necessary*written from Blacky's POV*Once upon a time existed a book. Fall from Grace was the name.Legend says it had a really, really hot guy in it.His name was whispered in the shadows and passed through generations of horny teens as a sex symbol.The story and romance were rumored to be amazing, set in a paranormal world, with main characters as fallen angels.Wanna know how I know all this?I was one of the people who actually read that book.And I am here to tell you the story of how I found the sequel, and what that book put me through...I found myself trapped in a heavenly library by Evildude who is set on separating me from my one true book soul mate, Savingrace."You will never read that book, Blacky! I burn for you, we are meant to be together!!," roared Evildude with an evil glint in his evil eyes!I got in his face and screamed with all my fury at him, "NEVER! My soul may be bleeding and my heart may be crushed and splintered into a billion little pieces but I am strong enough to defy you! I will save all my love for Savingrace, so back off, moron!"Evildude turned his evil eyes at me. I could tell he was being in an evil mood because of his squinting.Damn. He is gonna talk some more."I have waited for you for ages Blacky. You don't understand my passion for you Blacky. Yes, I obviously have to repeat your name in every sentence because you are too stupid to figure out who I'm talking to, BLACKY." He turned away from me and I saw him shaking. "Mwahahahahaha", he evil laughed at me."I will destroy your Savingrace and even you if I have to! If I can't have you, no book will!"With that, Evildude turned around and left me staring at a wall, thinking of my Savingrace and feeling my heart splinter again into a billion little pieces and my poor soul bleed again until I was left completely emotionally ruined.I woke up sitting at a library, surrounded by thousands of books and with my mind full of confusion.Why did Evildude want me? I just couldn't understand it.I couldn't stop thinking of finding my Savingrace, but then, I couldn't stop feeling hurt by Savingrace either.After all this time searching for each other, Savingrace obviously didn't feel the same as I do. I felt betrayed. My heart broke because my love for Savingrace was not returned.I'd decided to hate Savingrace for not wanting to be read by me with the same force as I wanted to read it.After a couple of hours of thinking about the subject, I decided to move on and read other books. Why save myself for my one and only book, if that book doesn't feel the same about me?Off I went, looking through the covers and blurbs, trying to find something interesting.That was when it happened.I saw Savingrace tucked in the wrong shelf, surrounded by books of the wrong genre.It must have been torture.Even though I now had my Savingrace, I could not let go of my anger and betrayal enough to read it. My poor bleeding soul and broken heart just couldn't allow me to get past the fact that Savingrace did nothing to somehow get to me. It's not that I'm unreasonable but seriously, do I have to do everything????And so I went to my living room to look at my book, because even though I couldn't read it, I was happy to know it was there and it was AMAZING to look at. I mean FANTASIC!!Anyway, the first thing I saw was a friend of mine, holding Savingrace. And reading it!"What are you doing?," I screamed while my heart was being torn from my chest and completely stepped upon until it was totally dead and not beating anymore but I somehow managed to magically survive the ordeal."How could you do this to me?," I whispered while cold tears went down my cheeks to show I was incredibly sad and heartbroken."I thought we had something special, and you are letting someone else read you!," I screamed at my book. Yes, I really love screaming at everything.I could see the book was trying to explain but I didn't want to hear it!I have the right to get angry at someone for not having any choice to control a situation, and I have every right to not listen to any explanations and stay completely angry at that person till the end of time!Savingrace was torn by my outburst, I could see it, but at that point I didn't really care. There are other books to read.Even though I decided I would never forgive Savingrace for letting anyone else read it, I still couldn't stop thinking about the damn book.Maybe I was wrong. Maybe the book really couldn't help it!I grabbed my backpack and ran home so I could talk to Savingrace ASAP!I was so excited that I didn't see my huge bookshelf when I was entering my living room, and I ran right into it.That left me covered with books, and with Savingrace standing on my desk, with a look full of rage and betrayal, and heartbreak and a whole rainbow of emotions that are very difficult to explain."I... No, it isn't what you think...," I uselessly tried to get out of the situation, but to no avail. Savingrace was uber-angry, I could feel it's rage across the room.It made my heart burst from my chest and shatter into another million pieces, and pain blossomed in my chest because it all felt SO BAD!!!Savingrace shut her pages and turned from me.It broke my heart all over again.And so, after another ten or so situations where either myself or Savingrace completely overreacted and screamed a bit at each other, and of course I forgot all the tension between us, the wanting-to-read-but-can't situation, we decided to try it out, and see how it goes.Only, our bliss was interrupted by Evildude!!!BUT! I will not tell you what happened. Well, I got my happy ever after with Savingrace, having finally read it, but then after being so irritated by the characters I simply could not love it like I thought I would.It was just not meant to be.But then, I have heard whispers...I feel it in the water...I feel it in the earth...I smell it in the air...Shane's book exists!!!!!!!!!!!

Deadly Fear

Deadly Fear - Cynthia Eden What a book. OMG. Best suspense I have read so far, seriously amazing with brilliant writing!Huge, huge, huuuuuuuge rec!!!!It was superb!I was gripping my reader like a lunatic, I am lucky I don't bite my nails cause I wouldn't have any by now :DDThere is always something happening, but the best of it is, I didn't see almost half of it coming! One this was especially a shock and boy, I'm glad this author isn't lovey-dovey with the suspense part, it just makes it more real!And the worst part for me was, I had to stop reading at the scene when they find out who the bad guy is! I almost died, that part was intense and brilliant!The writingYes it is, but obviously not for Cynthia Eden.The woman is amazing!OMG I loved every page here, even the twisted POV from the killer!I think that shows just how brilliant the writing is, because I usually don't enjoy this type of thing :DThe case is complicated, lots of twists and unexpected events, and I have to admit, I did not guess who the killer might be.The characters are so complicated and dark, even the good guys, and I love it!! I still can't get over the fact that I love something like that LOL The killer's POV.OMG. Creepy. Awful.The way he kills.Sick. Scary :( I kinda read those parts with my hand in front of my eyes :DOne was particularly horrific :(But!That just adds to the book, if you can believe it!I hated the POV, hated! But then, it made me more scared about the MCs, about the case, about the next victim, it made it all that much more intense!The romance“Sometimes you want to feel alive. When you see death so much, you just… want to feel alive again.” Being with her had always made him feel alive. Running fast and hot and free. He opened the door and the squeak of the hinges seemed way too loud. “If you wanna feel alive, you know where to find me.”Just like everything else in the book, even the romance was intense.You won't get any mushiness with the MCs, only emotions, attraction, lust and darkness.It was amazing to read about them, even though sometimes difficult, especially with her past and everything :(They are perfect for each other, I just love how they interact through the book, it is all filled with so much sexual tension, and when the sex happens... Amazing :)I just have to say one thing for the end.This book will go to my best of the best, but not to my favorites. It is amazing, such a brilliant book, but I KNOW I will never read it again. It is too intense, and one go through this was enough for me.BUT it is still one of the best books I have ever read so it has to go to my best of the best :)So, to every suspense and thriller fan out there, this is a MUST READ!Hell, even for those of you who aren't, give it a shot because it's worth it!


Frigid - J Lynn A story about best friend secretly in love Kyler and Sydney have been best friends ever since they were kids, and secretly in love with each other ever since they were teenagers.They get trapped in a house at the ski-resort during a snow storm, which forces them to spend time with each other, and to admit to their feelings.I've kept the story thing short cause honestly, you don't need to know anything more before you start this book, and second point, nothing much happens in it anyway ahhahh :DDDSydneyShe's been in love with Kyler forever, and it's getting more difficult seeing him over and over again with his string of one night stands.When she's forced to spend time alone with him, she can't deny how she feels anymore...How I liked her...Difficult to describe because on one hand, I felt really bad for her every time there was a misunderstanding between them, one scene made me cry :((( But on the other hand, it could all be avoided if she only used a bit of her brain instead of jumping to conclusions :(((KylerHe's been in love with Sidney forever, always thinking he's not good enough for her :(((But then, for him, no one is good enough for Sidney :DWhen they get trapped during the storm, he'll find that he can't fight his attraction...How I loved him...Easy to describe cause I loved him a lot


Frigid - J Lynn A story about best friend secretly in love Kyler and Sydney have been best friends ever since they were kids, and secretly in love with each other ever since they were teenagers.They get trapped in a house at the ski-resort during a snow storm, which forces them to spend time with each other, and to admit to their feelings.I've kept the story thing short cause honestly, you don't need to know anything more before you start this book, and second point, nothing much happens in it anyway ahhahh :DDDSydneyShe's been in love with Kyler forever, and it's getting more difficult seeing him over and over again with his string of one night stands.When she's forced to spend time alone with him, she can't deny how she feels anymore...How I liked her...Difficult to describe because on one hand, I felt really bad for her every time there was a misunderstanding between them, one scene made me cry :((( But on the other hand, it could all be avoided if she only used a bit of her brain instead of jumping to conclusions :(((KylerHe's been in love with Sidney forever, always thinking he's not good enough for her :(((But then, for him, no one is good enough for Sidney :DWhen they get trapped during the storm, he'll find that he can't fight his attraction...How I loved him...Easy to describe cause I loved him a lot
Enemy Mine (Alpha and Omega Series, #2) - Aline Hunter Damn you Book!!!!You have made me dying to read FOUR other books, that aren't even published yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!You're lucky you were uber-interesting and I loved reading you :PPPPEmory and Mary were a lovely couple and I loved reading about them finally bonding

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